The Ceremony may take 30 to 50 minutes and may include:-
Words of comfort & welcome to those in attendance, a brief overview of how the Ceremony will work and if appropriate, advising attendees that there will be an Open Floor component to the Ceremony if they wish to get up to speak.
Readings/Poems/Blessings/Karakia/Scripture readings
Can be 2 or 3 , as this will give your ceremony some structure and focus. These may be read by family member or friend or the Celebrant. They may be religious (or not) or specific cultural ones.
These are a popular component of a Ceremony and can be recorded or live versions of favourite or meaningful songs , that evoke memories of not only your loved one but of times you shared together.
They can be favourite hymns, popular songs or musical arrangements
Your personal choices can be played before the Ceremony begins ,as well as during and after the Ceremony.
Photo Montage
Many families like to have a prepared montage of precious memories in photographs and this is often combined with music as an opportunity for reflection.
Usually done by family members but can also be by someone you have chosen.
You may also wish to include an opportunity for those in attendance to say a few words.
This can be written by you or me and delivered by a family member, friend or me and is the life story of your loved one. It may contain their favourite sayings or last wishes (if known) or any other meaningful words.
Closing /Concluding Comments
The opportunity to thank everyone for coming and for their contributions to the Ceremony (if appropriate) and advise them of follow up refreshments or any other arrangements available following the Ceremony.
Then the final farewell to the loved one, before they leave to be cremated or buried.
You may wish to invite attendees to place something on the casket prior to its departure. Many folk choose flowers or items unique to that person.
This is followed by the Pallbearers (if any) assembling by the casket ,for the last stage of the Ceremony.

Your ceremony will be tailor-made to your personalities and ideals. The legal aspects of the event are actually very minimal, which leaves you with plenty of space for as much originality or tradition as you desire. I write every ceremony from scratch so it is 100% ALL ABOUT YOU.
To learn more about the legal requirements visit the Department of Internal Affairs website.